I really enjoyed travelling Spain. I would like to go there again.
I bought some seeds in Spain. I am enjoying to grow them now.
Living in Japan and looking for the best place
【story】The story is about one boy who can't bring the lunchbox at the school because of one reason.
Stanley (Partho Gupte) is a fourth grader at Holy Family school in Mumbai and is very popular among his friends. He is talented and well liked by his peers. The English teacher, Ms. Rosy, (Divya Dutta) is particularly impressed with his creativity, wit, and humor. Stanley is shown with a bruised face in the opening scene of the movie. On being questioned about it by Ms. Rosy, he concocts an elaborate story, much to her amusement. His humorous essays and offhand poem recitations make him her favorite in class. However his imagination is not always rewarded (his science teacher (Divya Jagdale) rebukes his attempt at constructing a light house as part of the class project since it does not adhere to the topics covered in class).
みんなを笑 わせているクラスの人気者スタンリー。彼は家庭の事情でお弁当を持ってくることができない。昼食の時間はいつも一人ぼっち。水道の水を飲んで空腹を我慢し ている。そんな彼を助けようと、クラスの友達はみんなのお弁当を少しずつ分けてあげるが、食い意地の張った先生に見つかり、取り上げられてしまう。「ネズ ミめ、お弁当を持ってこれない奴は学校に来る資格はない」その言葉に深く傷ついたスタンリーは、次の日から学校に来なくなってしまった・・・。
本 作は、1年半に渡って演技経験のない子供たちを毎週土曜日に学校に集め、映画のワークショップとして製作された作品であり、子供たちは最後まで映画撮影と 知らず、また子供たちにカメラの存在を気付かれないようにすることで自然な表情を引き出している。