

Do you know a song of this video?

This song is popular in Japan.
The title of the song is "Arigatou".
It means that I thank you. I like this song. The title and lyric are very nice.

So I dedicate this video to one person who sent me wonderful things.

The lyric is here.
--- There are wonderful persons around me.
I thank you. the word of thank you is my favorite word.
you are precious for me.
I hope that we are happy forever.
I am glad and I am happy because I could meet you.
We are not alone because there are wonderful people around us and they help us.

2 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
at last I found some time to catch up with your blog and watch this video........
thanks for writing the lyrics!!
take care

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the commnet.

I like this song.
I hope you like this song!

P.S I will write whole lyrics of this song by the email.