
The hottest days

Since last weekend, the weather of Japan is too hot!
In Tokyo, the temperature was 38 degrees...

According to the news show, the temperature for 3 days hit a record high.
Some people suffered heat prostration.
As a result, they have been rushed to hospitals with heat stroke on the weekend.

I think that it said every summer.
Anyway, the fee of air conditioner in my apartment may be higher than last month.
Because I keep turn on the air conditioner all day long.

Indeed, I tried to sleep without the air conditioner.
But I couldn't sleep at all...

Because of global warming, current weather of Tokyo is different from past weather.
When I was a child, the summer wasn't hottest like now.

So I heard that tropical animals and plants are increasing in Japan.

If the temperature will be lower, I will stop keep turning on the air conditioner.

Do you feel global warming?

2 件のコメント:

ba さんのコメント...

I can't understand it at all... here in Sao Paulo, it is winter (13º~19º) and when it is summer, it is natural to rain, so...

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for reading my blog and comment.

Recently, Japanese weather is strange.
The winter isn't colder than before.
Reports said that is because of global warming.

In Japan, there aren't lots of trees..

I am sorry.