
Studying aromatherapy

Yesterday,I had worked in my office until 8 pm because some bugs had been found by members of quality assurance department. They had found 19 bug! So I did testing some cases. Some of them were wrong because they didn't understand the system of programs. But other were bugs. Then I sent a email to the other company programmers because they had made those. After working,I went straight back home and I managed to finish reading books at home. I will get some interesting books tomorrow because I have to do testing the programs today. I think I will get some books of aromatherapy tomorrow. 必勝アロマテラピー検定 Because I would like to get the license of aromatherapy in this year. I have been using aroma oils to relax at home for several year. And I use them to make a face loation. 【生活の木】アロマテラピー入門セット(検定1級対応) I heard that people can take an examination of aromatherapy on May and Nov. I hope that I will take an exmination of aromatherapy on Nov. I have to study about aromatherapy! If I get the first grade of aromatherapy license, I will be able to a aromatherapy teacher or counselor. Of course,I don't think quit my current job at all.

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