
Are there any sweets and snacks on your desks?

I read the website about the method of Yoga breathing on the net. I will try doing the method of Yoga at the next time.

By the way, I couldn't eat lunch yesterday.

Going on a diet?


I didn't have any money because I left my wallet at my home. I noticed it before I went to buy a lunch box. But I didn't need to put up with the hunger because of some snacke and sweets.

Chocolate from Mike and rice crackers "O-Senbei".Mike,Thank you!

. I was lucky. But I ate more!!! Yeah,I know that it is my fault because I like chocolates and rice crackers.

塩味サラダせんべい定家の月 サラダ仕立てご愛食用(1枚入り19袋)(係数8) If there is a box of rice crackers, I must eat them at once.haha. 【サラダ煎餅詰め合わせ】 定家の月 小缶(1枚入り36袋)(係数16) Be careful because you may eat more if there are delicious sweets and snacks around you.

2 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
I'm glad I sent the chocolate now ...ha ha , I don't want you to go hungry!
No snacks on my desk right now but my friend has just gone to buy bacon sandwiches !!
take care

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the comment and Green & Black's chocolates ,the cooking book and CD!!!

I really thank you!
If I go to England, I will buy all tyeps of Green & Black!