
Do you have watches?

Yesterday, I left my cellphone behind at my office. Then I went back and I noticed it at my home.

One thing I thought was how to get up in the next morning without my cellphone. I use my cellphone as an alarm clock every morning. Then I thought how to get up for a few mins.

How could I get up without my cellphone?

PDA and TV

At first, I set the alarm of my PDA. Because the sound of PDA's alarm is small, I thought again. Then I had been turning on TV all night because I can't sleep well if I hear any sounds and lights. Then I slept although I wondered whether I could get up at 7:20 am before sleeping.

Of course I got up without my cellphone today!!! Although I couldn't sleep well.

When I arrived at my office, I looked at my cellphone.

My cellphone was keep ringing an alarm at my office since 7:10 am. By the way, I noticed one thing by not having a cellphone.

It is a watch. I don't have any watches for a long time. So I look at my cellphone when I want to know what time it is. My cellphone is useful as not only alarms of morning clock but also watches. Anyway, I will try not to leave my cellphone at my office and others because I don't want to keep turning on TV while sleeping and I want to sleep well.

5 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
even though I have a new cell phone with many functions ... I still have a watch and I use two alarm clocks to get up in the morning ..... even though I am a light sleeper ..ha ha. I really don't like it if I don't know what the time is ...ha ha ...
Lots of kids who work for us only use a cell phone for telling time and alarms but they are often late ... because they lose their phone or leave it in the wrong room or have a flat battery.... or mostly becaus ethey had too much to drink ..ha ha
take care

Piccola さんのコメント...

Ah~ I can relate to you. Because i use my cellphone as an alarm clock and as my watch too.

匿名 さんのコメント...

sometime i use my cellphone as alarm clock. but mostly i still use a clock to wake me up. somehow i manage to wake up even though there is no alarm.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hey ;)
Well, I can't get up without watches and alarm sounds on workdays, too haha.
I've to set up
1st my watch
2nd my cellphone 5 min. later than watch

So, I never get up to late :P

See you soon

reona さんのコメント...

Using 2 clocks is very good!!!

I am glad you can understand.

Thank you for visiting at my blog and the comment!

I agree.