
We need hopes and laugh!!!

Have you ever watched the movie 'Life is beautiful'? This is one of the movies I love. I can't remember how many times I had watched this movie.So I can say 'Buongiorno, Principessa!!!' although I have never learned Italian.(It means 'Hi,Princess!!!'.) I have this movie's DVD and I sometimes watch this movie. I don't know whether I will be able to become the person like Guido. But I will try. Guido is wonderful. He could let the persons happy and he never lost enjoying life when he was in trouble. I really respected Roberto Benigni when I had watched this movie for the first time. We need hopes and laughs. And if we can have a little hopes and we can laugh, we will be able to feel happy. I want you to watch this movie if you don't watch the movie. I think it is very simple how to live and feel happy.

3 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
wow........ I loved this film it is just amazing..
I felt both sad and happy watching it...
I was amazed how Benigni used one of the most horrible events in recent European history to show a character that had a fantastic uplifting out look on life.
It is just a wonderful wonderful movie!!
You are correct.... everyone should see this film!!
I respect you for seeing this and writing about it.
take care

Ipshi さんのコメント...

iv been wanting to write about this movie for a long time but never got around to it ... u r right ... it is one of the most amazing movies iv ever seen .. and i always cry at the end!!

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the comment.

I am glad you like this movie.

I had watched the movie of same theme.So I think this movie is best.

Although I couldn't explain well,
I was very impressed.

Thank you for the comment!!
I am really glad you like this movie too!

Yes,I agree with you.
I cry when I watch the last of this movie.
But I can feel not only sad but also love and hope.
Take care!