
Spanish food "Paella valenciana"

These are leaves Japanese radish "Daikon".

I think I'll harvest them soon.

By the way, I made Spanish food "Paella" by the the rice cooker.

It was so delicious. When I had gone to Spain, I heard that there were many rabbits in Spain in the past. So they ate "Paella" of rabbits. The word "Spain" means rabbits in Phoenician language. When I had stayed in Valencia, I ate Paella valencia. It was so delicious.I couldn't buy rabbits in Japan. So I made paella of chicken.

However, the taste was so good. I will try to make it again.

2 件のコメント:

Ab3nd さんのコメント...

Just got myself a rice cooker (they are totally unkown here in Spain) and I was looking if someone had attempted to make paella on it. I must say, yours looks totally amazing and legit (young people here don't like rabbit meat so much, so today most paellas are served with just seafood and chicken) If you haven't tried ir yet, I recommend you combine it with pickled green pepper ;)

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the comment.
I didn't know that young people of Spain don't like the dish "paella of rabbit meats".I don't eat combine paella with pickled green pepper yet.
So I will try to eat it if I will make or go to Spanish restaurants.
Thank you for telling me it.