
Burned money

Could you burned money? I can't do that. But they did! Who? Gif prefectural office. Ago a few weeks ago, the news about bribe of more than 100,000,000 yen of Gifu prefectural office was known for the first time. Then terrible facts are broadcasted now. Because they were afraid that their behaviors might be known, they burned the money!!! In addition, they bribe to charity organizations such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) was contributed. Stupid... How many children could the money that they burned save? I can't understand them at all and I don't want to understand. Before, government employee was one of popular jobs . But now, it is not. The young want to become workers of nongovernment or set up the businness. I watched one anime at midnight of yesterday. Government Crime Investigation Agent Zaizen Jotaro!!! English is this.

He is a main character of this anime and He solves crimes of politics and bureaucratic government. When I started watching it , I was very surprised because the story was very intesting. So I will keep watching it next week.

2 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
it's amazing how money can corrupt people,
I don't know about burning money ....
iy reminds me of this band from the U.K. called the KLF,
they took 1000,000 pounds in notes to a Scottish Island and burned it. They filmed it burning??
Lots of people were angry because they could have given the money to charity??
But then how many millions of pounds , dollars and yen are spent by our governments on wars we don't want?
Suddenly one million doesn't seem so much.


the anime looks interesting.

take care

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the comment and the url!

I didn't know about the KLF.

I found their video on YouTube.


Very surprised...

Anway,I will keep watching anime.hahaha.