

Hi,how are you?

I am fine.
However, it is too hard for me to get up and leave from my bed in the morning. Because of extremely cold morning...
So I need many times to leave from my bed everyday.

By the way, I found nice website "Lang 8".
Do you know about this website?

I think this website is so useful for people who want to study languages on the net.

If you write diaries and there are mistakes of your diaries(grammars,phrase etc), somebody correct mistakes for free!!!

And you can check contents of "Lang 8" and you ask somebody help about studying languages.

I signed up for "Lang 8" yesterday, I started my diary of Lang 8.
After starting my diary, I corrected mistakes and taught other Japanese.

If you would like to learn languages or master by using Lang 8 for free, please try using "Lang 8".

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

That's a really interesting website. useful! Especially, for language learners.