
Flowing somen 'nagashi somen'

I ate noodle as today's lunch again. Noodle is one of the food I love. I want to talk about Japanese food 'somen'. Do you know 'nagasi somen'? We often eat cold somen or soba in the summer. The way that I eat somen best is 'Nagashi somen'. When I was a child, I ate Nagashi soba a few times. I think that Nagashi somen is good for the party.Please look at this if you try nagashi somen. If you have somen,Japanese soba tsuyu,and banboo, you will be able to try eating nagashi soba. - somen 揖保乃糸 そうめん 上級品 42束【送料無料】 - tsuyu ほっこりそばにぴったりのそばつゆ 300ml Oh, I forgot. This is the machine of nagashi somen. If you get this, you don't need bamboo. You will be able to eat nagashi somen at your houses using this machine. The price is 4800 yen. 家庭用流しソーメン器 そうめん太郎「竹取」 Is this machine expensive?

3 件のコメント:

Mike さんのコメント...

Hi Reona
wow........ that looks like a real laugh.... I want to try that..
i want to have a party in my garden with bamboo and Nagashi somen...ha ha my friends would not believe it!! I don't know if I could get the bamboo though .ha ha..
the machine looks like fun too..
it's about 22 English pounds or so i think so not too expensive..

now I feel very hungry ha ha

I can't believe it ...flowing noodles!!!!! thanks for showing that it's great!!!
take care

Ipshi さんのコメント...

i love this concept!! i really wanna try this out!! talk about catching ur dinner!! though i wudnt catch anything because i cant use chop sticks at all!!

but i wanna try this !!

I GOT UR POSTCARD!! thank u so so so much ... will b replying to it as soon as i get some time off from work!!

reona さんのコメント...

Thank you for the comment!

Could you eat anything?
I hope that you will be able to try Nagashi somen and Nattou if you visit Japan.

How are you?
It is interesting to catch Japanese noodle by chopsticks.
In addition, if person who wait for somen in the front catch all of somen, other persons can't catch any somen.

These are chopsticks for children.

My brother used these when he was a child.

I am gland you got a post card!
Take care!